Mobiles by Julie Frith : Frithmobiles
Modern Hanging Art Mobiles and Stabiles for Home, Office, Garden and Baby
C O L O R S Colors
Medium size

approx. 1.5 - 3 feet

Medium sized mobiles add color and art to any size room. Liven up your living room or office to look more modern. Mobiles go great with mid century modern or retro mod-style furniture. This size is my most popular size, it works best for lower ceilings around 8'. Want a specific size or even a change in design, email me and we can discuss all ideas. Don't forget you can colorize each right on line.

8 (or 9) Planets Mobile

Glows in the dark!

Aerial Mobius Modernist Doppler i-Mod Steel & Petals Lustron Bluefish Eliptusmobius Allure Jujumo Simplexus Multius
Mobiles by Julie Frith Mobiles by Julie Frith
   M O B I L E S  B Y  J U L I E  F R I T H
©1998-to present all designs and images by Julie Frith all rights reserved