Mobiles by Julie Frith : Frithmobiles
Modern Hanging Art Mobiles and Stabiles for Home, Office, Garden and Baby
C O L O R S Colors
XLarge size

approx. 2.5 - 5.25 feet

My extra Large mobiles are a perfect addition to a living room with high ceilings. Under skylights, above stairwells, and entrances. Replace your chandeliers! Fill you high empty spaces with art.  I can make any mobile any size, so ask....I'll give you a quote. Custom colorize to match your room's decor. All my mobiles are ready to hang... so...Go BIG and bold! Remember, measure twice, hang once. See my client's photo page for great examples and ideas

Multius Lustron Modernist Jujumo Doppler Mobius AllureBluefishFoleusSimplexusSteel & Petals i-Mod
Mobiles by Julie Frith Mobiles by Julie Frith
   M O B I L E S  B Y  J U L I E  F R I T H
©1998-to present all designs and images by Julie Frith all rights reserved